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66 Views · 2 years ago

Accidental Shooting

I'm going to go out on a limb and assume this guy didn't have a holster.

It baffles me the number of people I've seen who have no problem putting a loaded gun inside their pants without a holster.

Stop doing this because it's not a matter of if you're going to shoot yourself; it's a matter of when.

Have we not learned anything from Plexico Burress?

There is no benefit to carrying a gun without a holster.

Holsters protect the trigger from being snagged, holds your gun so it doesn't slide down your pants, and position the gun in such a way that you can get to it faster if you need to defend yourself with it.

In some cases, it hides the gun better because some holsters have devices that push the gun's grip against your body, minimizing its print.

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29 Views · 2 years ago

NYSRPA v. Bruen Response

In response to a U.S. Supreme Court ruling that determined sections of New York's concealed carry statute were unconstitutional, Democrats in the New York State Legislature on Friday passed a slew of new restrictions affecting legal gun owners.

There is an extensive list of hurdles including having applicants disclose their current and past social media accounts so the licensing officer could review them to see if anything the applicant may have posted would, in the mind of the licensing officer, be objectionable and disqualify the applicant.

If an applicant clears all of the hurdles involved in obtaining a concealed carry permit, they would have to be aware of an extensive list of places where it would still be illegal for them to be armed.

They include government buildings, schools, colleges and universities, medical facilities, churches, libraries, and entertainment venues such as libraries, theaters, arenas, and stadiums.

Legal gun owners with concealed carry permits would also be prohibited from carrying in a park, on a playground, at a polling place, at a parade or a protest, or while using public transit.

They also could not carry while in a bar, or even in a restaurant that serves alcohol.

In fact, under the new laws, they couldn't enter any private business or property with a legally registered gun, unless that business or property owner posted a sign which says they can. And even if they mistakenly carry someplace they shouldn't, they could be charged with a felony where, if convicted, they would lose their constitutional right to keep and bear arms.

While it's long been established in the state's law that a felony record bars an individual from legally purchasing or processing a firearm, the new law would add several misdemeanors to the category of infractions that would disqualify an individual from owning a gun.

This isn't even all of it!

These people are not trying to protect you they're trying to control you and protect their power.

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13 Views · 2 years ago

Illinois safe-t act

People, you are on your own, especially if you live in a state where the leadership is more concerned about appealing to this constant obsession with wokeness!

Under this law going into effect, crimes such as "as aggravated batteries, robberies, burglaries, hate crimes, aggravated DUIs, vehicular homicide, drug-induced homicides, all drug offenses, including delivery of fentanyl and trafficking cases, are not eligible for detention no matter the severity of the crime or the defendant's risk to a specific person or the community, unless the People prove by clear and convincing evidence the person has a "high likelihood of willful flight to avoid prosecution."

What the #$@$#!?

They even had the audacity to call this The SAFE-T Act.

There's nothing safe about this act; you just gave every criminal in Illinois a list of everything they can get away with.

This is stupid.

Keep in mind that Illinois ranked 8th in the nation for having the strictest gun control laws.

They're passing gun laws that they're not going to arrest criminals for and then they'll turn around and say we need more gun laws to keep Law Abiding Citizens safe from the criminals their not going to even arrest.

This law is literally a bat symbol to criminals, telling them they can do whatever they want and not go to jail.

This is same state where 55 people were shot and 11 killed in Chicago alone over the labor day weekend.

Like I keep saying, this is not about safety; it's about control.

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19 Views · 2 years ago

Buffalo Mass Shooter

An 18-year-old psychopath is trolling America.

Everything this guy did was designed to get media attention and drive the most significant divide possible by placating every talking point the anti-gun far left has.

He packaged an online mass shooting starter kit and gave it to the media and said, "Make me famous and make some more mass shooters," The media said. Ok.

He wanted to solidify himself as the architect of how to become more famous than ever by committing mass shootings, and it worked!

Congratulations to America's Mainstream Media! You did it again.

You made another sociopathic low-life famous for killing a bunch of people and inspired future shooters in the process.

Especially now, considering We are living at the height of clout chasing, where people eat laundry detergent for views, this is no different, except the clout chaser is an evil psychopath who was chasing clout with a gun in his hands.

I promise you, if he thought no one would talk about him, mention his name or watch his disgusting little live stream, He wouldn't have done this because his motivation was attention, and we just gave it to him in spades and then wonder why we keep having these copy cat mass shootings.

And, of course, the anti-gun lobby and their anti-gun politician exploited this shooting to push gun control right on cue.

Here's the irony the shooter said he chose to: "carry it out in New York due to its strict open carry gun laws, which would make it harder for someone to stop him."

This is not rocket science; shooters like these are cowards looking for easy targets.

Body armor and an AR-15 don't make you immortal

When you have other people shooting back at you, it changes everything; you go from I'm to kill everyone in this place to, oh shoot, I'm being shot at

That shifts the focus away from killing unarmed innocent people to the people shooting at you, giving the unarmed people time to escape.

That security guard may have lost his life, but because the shooter had to deal with the security guard shooting at him in the first place, there's no telling many lives he saved just by having a gun.

Long story short, gun control creates victims, not safety.

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#BuffaloMassShooter #ColionNoir

19 Views · 2 years ago

Highland Park Sue Smith Wesson

I am again talking to you about another frivolous lawsuit blaming Smith & Wesson for the July 4th parade shooting in Highland Park, Illinois.

WGN News reports, "they are now banding together going after the gun manufacturer and dealers they say were responsible for this attack as well as the shooter himself and his father."

They use the same arguments the sandy hook families used to get around the federal law designed to prevent these frivolous lawsuits.

These lawsuits are only designed to bankrupt the gun industry.

The goal is not to actually win these cases.

The goal is to bring so many of them that gun companies will be stuck in never-ending costly legal battles.

The gun companies will be forced to decide to keep paying to fight these cases or settle.

Either option is a no-win.

At a certain point, the insurance companies will no longer insure gun companies because of the exposure to liability caused by this new workaround of the federal law that was designed to protect against these types of predatory lawsuits.

These attorneys claim the gun industry is profiting from these mass shootings, but last I checked, these attorneys aren't working for free.

They're most likely working on contingency, which means any money the families win, they take a percentage of about 33% on average.

Does anyone want to take a guess what 33% of 73 million is?

Roughly 24 million.

So who's really profiting off mass shootings?

What can you do to prevent this type of predatory use of our legal system?

You need to reach out to your representatives in your state and let them know you need them to close this loophole in the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms act.

The longer this goes on, it's only a matter of time before more gun companies start filing for bankruptcy.

No matter how many 2A rights we have in writing, they are useless if there is no business where you can acquire firearms.

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#2ANews #ColionNoir

24 Views · 2 years ago

Katie Hobbs Arizona

The Guy with the AR-15 in the video is Joe Wolf. Joe Wolf is the Head Political Consultant for The Katie Hobbs Campaign.

Katie Hobbs is a Democrat running to be the governor of Arizona during this year's midterm elections.

Katie Hobb's political consultant told you flat out how these Democrat politicians are anti-gun and want to pass extreme gun control laws like AR-15 bans but know they can't say it out loud because it will hurt their chances of getting elected.

Once they're in office, they can start passing gun control laws.

The funny thing is, her political consultant is caught in the video rolling around with an AR-15 in his car and called it a "crowd controller."

So let me get this straight, it's ok for Kati Hobbs to be protected by an AR-15 as a "crowd controller," but if a single-parent mother who lives alone in a bad neighborhood wants an AR-15 to defend herself and her kids, Kati Hobbs would say, ha, not for you... peasant!

These people are elitists!

They are anti-gun for you but pro-gun for themselves.

I'm Guessing You're Not Here For The Alcohol Or Tobacco

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#2ANews #ColionNoir

10 Views · 2 years ago

Shaun King Dog

Shaun king, if you truly cared about keeping your family safe, you wouldn't be advocating against the one amendment designed to give you the best ability to protect your family.

Gun control makes people feel safe, but in reality, it makes you unsafe because when it comes time to protect yourself from real threats, the government will not be there to save you.

In those moments, you'll have to save yourself.

You can't do that if you're constantly giving up your gun rights to people who can afford to have armed guards and live in gated communities.

However, as important as the gun is when it comes to self-defense, it's also about the training and ensuring you're prepared.

That's why I'm a USCCA member.

It's an easy way to cover all my bases if I ever had to use my gun in self-defense.

I could find myself in a costly legal case to prove that using my gun was justified.

The beautiful thing about a USCCA membership is that you don't just get self-defense insurance; you also get access to their treasure trove of education and training programs.

So if you're interested in learning more about USSCA AND getting a few special free bonuses, click this link!

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20 Views · 2 years ago

Madison County AR-15s

North Carolina’s Madison County School District has put an AR-15 in a safe in every school in the county so the guns can be accessed for classroom defense in case of attack.

Madison County Sheriff Buddy Harwood pushed for the AR-15s following the attack, pointing out that he did not want evil people to be able to enter the school and hole up in a classroom with officers powerless to act.

Harwood said, “Hopefully, we’ll never need it, but I want my guys to be as prepared as prepared can be.”

“We were able to put an AR-15 rifle and safe in all of our schools in the county. We’ve also got breaching tools to go into those safes. We’ve got extra magazines with ammo in those safes,” Harwood explained.

“In the event we have someone barricaded in a door, we won’t have to wait on the fire department. We’ll have those tools to be able to breach that door if needed. I do not want to have to run back out to the car to grab an AR, because that’s time lost.”

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6 Views · 2 years ago

Greenwood Park Mall Shooting

It wasn't luck!

This man braced himself against a pole, took ten shots, and hit eight from 40 yards away.

80 percent isn't luck; that's skill!

Sonny couldn't even praise this man!

Instead, all she did was critique him, and she didn't even do it from a position of being informed because she got all the information wrong.

They have Constitutional carry in Indiana, meaning you don't need a permit.

The mall said you couldn't bring a gun in there, but under Indiana law, you can carry a firearm into a place that says you can't have guns, but if the owner asks you to leave and you don't, then you're considered trespassing and therefore breaking the law.

But none of that happened there.

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10 Views · 2 years ago

Joe Biden 60 Minutes Interview

Can you image if Joe Biden had declared, "We passed the most extensive anti-free speech legislation in 30 years" or "We passed the most extensive unreasonable search and seizure legislation in 30 years"? 

People would be running around screaming the world is ending.

That's essentially what he just said. Joe Biden just bragged about being the most anti- 2nd Amendment president in 30 years if not in our history.

Why does the leader of a country built on the ideal of freedom boast about limiting that freedom?

The Second Amendment was explicitly written into our constitution; it is not a recommendation.

Actually, they went a step farther.

They opted to add 10 Amendments to the Constitution after the Constitution was written because they believed that these rights were so crucial that they needed to be explicitly stated, and Joe Which Way Do I Go Biden is blatantly gloating about violating the only Amendment that states that it "Shall Not Be infringed"

Joe Biden is a political snob in the finest sense; he has spent practically his entire professional career in politics.

Joe Biden doesn't care about you other than how much he can control you, and the 2nd Amendment is the largest roadblock in his path of achieving so because a government cannot just impose its will on a society of armed citizens.

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4 Views · 2 years ago

Hunted By Cougar

This hunter was on an elk hunt, and his caption on Instagram reads, "not what I expected going elk hunting, glad I was packing"

Long story short, the semi-auto so-called high-capacity gun saved his life.

All of these I hate guns people love to try to make it seem like the second amendment is about hunting, which on its face is moronic.

Why would the founding fathers need to write an amendment to the constitution to protect the right to hunt?

They were fighting for their independence from the British, not PETA.

But for the sake of argument, let's say the second amendment was about hunting. Just because you're hunting an animal doesn't mean there isn't another animal hunting you.

I was just on an elk hunt a few weeks ago, and I had my bolt action Nosler rifle, and I had my Glock 20 chambered in 10mm strapped to my chest for the exact same reason this guy had his semi auto "high capacity" gun.

Because it's the best form of protection against humans AND animals.

If some wild animal decided it wanted to hunt me for lunch, it would have to come through a wall of bullets to do it.

I don't care if it's a criminal or an animal!

If you're trying to take my life, I don't want it to be a fair fight.

I want every single advantage I can get, and that's what semi-auto rifles and guns do; they give you a fighting chance.

I can assure you if Joe Biden were out there dealing with a mountain lion trying to kill him, he's not going to be saying, "Why do you need more than ten rounds? You must be a terrible shot!"

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#2ANews #ColionNoir

2 Views · 2 years ago

Beto Ar-15

Texas gubernatorial candidate Beto O’Rourke declared on the campaign trail that owners of semi-automatic rifles like the AR-15 shouldn’t "be able to keep them."

O’Rourke, the Democratic nominee, said during two different town halls just days before the Uvalde, Texas, mass school shooting that AR-15s have no place in civilian life.

"I think we are fools to believe anything other than that these weapons of war will continue to be used with greater frequency against our fellow Americans," O’Rourke told a group of veterans during a town hall meeting in Abilene on May 21.

"It’s why I’ve taken the position that I don’t think we should have AR-15s and AK-47s in civilian life," he said. "They belong on a battlefield."

Earlier in the day, during a town hall with veterans in San Angelo, O’Rourke suggested he’s open to confiscation of existing semi-automatic rifles like the AR-15.

"But I don’t think that the people who have them right now in civilian use should be able to keep them," he added.

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#BuffaloMassShooter #ColionNoir

1 Views · 2 years ago

Joe Biden Assault Weapons Ban

In an interview with CNN's Jake Tapper on Tuesday, Vice President Joe Biden reiterated his support for stricter gun laws, including a ban on so-called "assault weapons."

Biden added, "And by the way, I'm going to get an "assault weapons" ban. Before this is over, I'm going to get that again, not a joke. WATCH!"

The Real joke is that he believes the first "assault weapon" ban did anything in the first place.

I don't see Joe Biden telling the secret service to give up their "assault weapons", and the secret service has fully automatic machine guns.

If AR-15s are supposedly weapons of war, why do they have them?

Is there a war going on in the united states that we don't know about Joe?

If the "assault weapon" is only a tool for killing as many people as possible, why are you using them to protect your life?

The only thing of any possible substance that Joe Biden has accomplished in his entire life as a politician is the 1994 crime bill which included the "assault weapon" ban.

His presidency thus far is a walking meme of non stop jokes.

Therefore, he clings desperately to his only glory day of passing the "assault weapon" ban.

Since it's the only thing he has ever accomplished, he feels like if he can get it passed again, that will be his legacy as a president instead of countless videos of him losing his mind.

Long story short, Joe Biden wants his legacy to read, I came, I forgot, I fought desperately to violate your right to defend yourself and this country.

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8 Views · 2 years ago

Karen Bass Guns Stolen

Karen Bass's gun ownership is something with which I have no issue.

The place she's running for mayor is extremely crime-ridden; therefore, I say she has every right to possess them.

The problem I have is that she's a complete and utter hypocrite.

Karen Bass tweeted on June 17, 2022:

I am the only 2022 @MomsDemandAction Gun Sense Candidate running for mayor of Los Angeles.

Los Angeles deserves a mayor we can trust to stand up to the gun lobby, not cower before them.

My number one job as mayor will be to keep Angelenos safe.

Why would she brag about this?

Because Karen Bass is a political elitist, her motto is, "Guns for me but not for thee."

Karen Bass, a political elite who is completely out of touch with the reality of crime in Los Angeles, recently gave the city a perfect score of 10 when asked how safe she felt there.

Either Karen Bass is a malicious liar, or she is not a resident of our world.

If she truly cared for the safety of others, she would admit, "Yes, I had two weapons to defend my family and my house; that's why we have the second amendment."

Despite California's strict gun restrictions, burglars managed to get into her house and take her firearms.

Karen Bass is the same as any other politician that opposes the 2nd Amendment:

They are anti YOU HAVE A GUN.

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#2ANews #ColionNoir

6 Views · 2 years ago

Constitutional Carry

This one story just destroyed the entire Gun Control Narrative.

Constitutional carry or Permit-less carry became legal in Indiana on July 1st, this shooting took place on July 17th, and Eli didn't have a concealed carry permit; he was carrying based on the constitutional carry law that Indiana passed 17 days ago.

If not for Indiana making it easier for good people to carry firearms for protection, Eli likely wouldn't have been carrying that day, and many people would have died.

This law allowed a citizen to keep other citizens safe because law enforcement couldn't get there in time to stop the attack.

Greenwood park mall, where this shooting happened, is a gun-free zone, and it didn't stop the shooter from bringing his gun in to kill a bunch of people.

If Eli had obeyed the no-gun policy at the Mall, the shooter would have killed way more people.

And no, Eli did not break the law by ignoring the no-gun policy.

In Indiana, it's not against the law to ignore a "no firearms" sign at a private business; you may commit criminal trespass for entering a business after you have been denied entry or have been asked to leave.

The House is trying to pass a bill that would limit law-abiding citizens to only having ten bullets in their gun.

It took Eli Ten shots to stop the shooters.

Imagine if Eli was limited to 10 rounds, and he needed one more shot to stop the shooter.

This would be a very different story.

There is no evidence that 10 rounds make us safer; it's literally an arbitrary number.

New York, at one point, tried to pass a law that limited people to 7 rounds in their gun.

Magazine limitation laws hurt the good people while empowering the bad. Criminals don't care about magazine limitation laws.

If mass shooters want a gunfight, they know exactly where to go.

Instead, they go to places where people are most defenseless.

You don't stop mass shooters with laws; you stop them by removing their motivation.

It's hard to kill a lot of people when those people are shooting back at you.

Cops with guns can't be everywhere, but you can have a gun everywhere you are when you exercise your Right to Keep and Bear arms, just like the Second Amendment intended.

That's the meaning behind my Shirt and Hat Design, "I AM THE MILITIA".

The Militia in the founding era was the Body of Ordinary citizens capable of taking up arms to defend the nation, themselves, and their loved ones.

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#DebunkingGunControl #ColionNoir

3 Views · 2 years ago

Kathy Hochul Gun Control

We're having this conversation because of tyrants like Kathy Hochul who refuse to give anyone in New York City a concealed carry permit!

The Supreme Court had to step in and remind you that there's a thing called a constitution that you're violating by not granting concealed permits to your citizens.

New York laws were set up to prevent almost anyone from being able to get a permit unless they were elite like her.

The court said New York must have an objective standard to determine who gets a permit.

The supreme court didn't say New York had to give a permit to any and everyone.

Instead, it said that New York needed a fair process that citizens could objectively meet instead of subjective standards that decided not to give out permits to law-abiding citizens.

She responds that "the Supreme Court stripped away HER rights as a governor" because she doesn't want anyone in New York to have a permit to carry a gun for their protection.

The constitution was written to tell the government what they can't do against your rights!

She just said that the Supreme Court protecting the constitutional right of New York citizens was a violation of her rights as a tyrant.

I want you to ask yourself, does this sound like a woman who is worried about the safety of her citizens or a tyrant who is afraid to lose power over its citizens?

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5 Views · 2 years ago

M16 Rifles

I think it's unfair that these individuals must return these M16 rifles, but Joe Biden and his government did not order the Taliban, a terrorist organization, to return the military equipment we had in Afghanistan, which was valued at $80 billion. 

Now when you go to Afghanistan, they are delivering amazon packages from apache helicopters, uber drivers show up in Abrams tanks and groups of kids are running around at night playing wearing $40,000 dollar panoramic night vision goggles.

But when nice little couple come up on some Vietnam-era Machine Guns they start acting like the sky is falling.

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#2ANews #ColionNoir

8 Views · 2 years ago

NYSRPA v. Bruen

The Supreme Court ruling, written by Justice Clarence Thomas, struck down a New York handgun-licensing law that required New Yorkers who want to carry a handgun in public to show a special need to defend themselves.

I want you to pay attention to how the people pushing for gun control are reacting to this decision because this decision is saying nothing more than yes; people have a right to carry a firearm to protect themselves in public.

Right now, you have every anti-gun group, anti-gun politician, and even our president saying this was not the right decision.

They are saying they do not believe you have the right to carry a firearm for your protection.

These people do not agree with the second amendment!

It's not about making reasonable gun control laws; they don't want you to have guns, period.

They want to get to the point where they can ban handguns, but they don't want to give anything, so when they lose something i.e, the ability to restrict people's rights in new york to carry a firearm to protect themselves, all of a sudden they're mad.

The court made clear that the Second Amendment’s guarantee of the right “to keep and bear arms” protects a broad right to carry a handgun outside the home for self-defense.

Thomas wrote, that if “the Second Amendment’s plain text covers an individual’s conduct,” the government has the burden to show that the regulation is consistent with the historical understanding of the Second Amendment.

Going forward, Thomas explained, courts should uphold gun restrictions only if there is a tradition of such regulation in U.S. history.

I explain the breakdown of the Supreme Court Ruling.

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#2ANews #ColionNoir

3 Views · 2 years ago

Canada Handgun Ban Freeze

Canada banning handguns is the canary in the coal mine for America, so pay attention.

For years I have argued that there is no such thing as common sense gun measures and that every time you hear that phrase from a politician, it means they want to ban all guns.

Take, for instance, Joe Biden.

Joe Biden recently said he's going to get a so-called "Assault Weapon Ban" Passed, and so many people are like, "Oh, well, that's not too bad; who needs AR15s anyway? All you need is a handgun anyway".

Fools, it's not just going to stop with AR15s; there's always going to be more, and CANADA proved it.

First, they started with the so-called Assault Weapons in 2020.

Then two years later, they are now banning handguns.

In a statement on the ban/freeze on handguns, Justin Trudeau noted, among other things:
"Fewer guns mean safer communities. That's why the Government of Canada is implementing some of the strongest gun control measures in a generation. Handguns are the weapon of choice in most firearm-related crimes, which is why limiting the number of handguns is a critical part of our plan to protect Canadians from gun violence."

I'm sure there are people now saying, "Oh, well, that's Canada, that could never happen here."

Are you coherent?

We just had an assault weapon ban in America that lasted from 1994 -2004. That was only 18 years ago, and the only reason we don't still have one now is that the republicans got lucky and were able to put a sunset clause in the bill that would require the law to expire after ten years if they could show the ban didn't work.

Do you think the Democratic politicians will make the same mistake again in their new assault weapon bill that they're trying to pass?

There is no sunset provision in the new assault weapon bill; they even made it more restrictive than the last one.

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#2ANews #ColionNoir

3 Views · 2 years ago

Bear Attacks Mountain Climber

I carry a gun to check my mailbox, so someone, please explain to me why this man went into bear territory without a gun!

The real reason why this guy was in Smokey the bear's territory without a gun was that this happened in Japan.

In Japan, the only guns permitted for sale are shotguns and air rifles, and handguns are completely banned.

Not to mention that the amount of hurdles you have to go through to get a shotgun is absurd.

So, at the end of the day, I can't fault this guy for not having a gun in this instance because of where it happened.

However, let's not act like there aren't many cases here in the U.S. where people find themselves in a similar situation and refuse to carry a gun because their progressive stupidity outweighs their common sense or the laws prevent them from doing so.

Either way, Mother Nature doesn't care about your ideology or common sense gun laws, and neither should you because it will get you killed.

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