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This Shocking Video of Cougar Attacking Hunter Proves Joe Biden Wrong About Magazine Bans

4 Views· 11/08/22
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Hunted By Cougar

This hunter was on an elk hunt, and his caption on Instagram reads, "not what I expected going elk hunting, glad I was packing"

Long story short, the semi-auto so-called high-capacity gun saved his life.

All of these I hate guns people love to try to make it seem like the second amendment is about hunting, which on its face is moronic.

Why would the founding fathers need to write an amendment to the constitution to protect the right to hunt?

They were fighting for their independence from the British, not PETA.

But for the sake of argument, let's say the second amendment was about hunting. Just because you're hunting an animal doesn't mean there isn't another animal hunting you.

I was just on an elk hunt a few weeks ago, and I had my bolt action Nosler rifle, and I had my Glock 20 chambered in 10mm strapped to my chest for the exact same reason this guy had his semi auto "high capacity" gun.

Because it's the best form of protection against humans AND animals.

If some wild animal decided it wanted to hunt me for lunch, it would have to come through a wall of bullets to do it.

I don't care if it's a criminal or an animal!

If you're trying to take my life, I don't want it to be a fair fight.

I want every single advantage I can get, and that's what semi-auto rifles and guns do; they give you a fighting chance.

I can assure you if Joe Biden were out there dealing with a mountain lion trying to kill him, he's not going to be saying, "Why do you need more than ten rounds? You must be a terrible shot!"

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