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The PSA AK-74 is back for REDEMPTION
The PSA AK-74 returns for round 2. PSA has conducted rigorous testing on my AK-74 and taken seriously the points that I brought up as well as the community that had issues with their first gen AK-74's. My original AK-74 was sent back to PSA and extensive testing was done to see what was causing the issues. In today's video we see if PSA fixed the issues I had in my first video.
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00:00 Cinematic PSA AK-74 intro to blow your mind
1:26 The history behind the PSA AK-74 review
2:23 PSA owes me nothing, but stepped up
4:02 full disclosure
5:45 PSA AK-74 Trunion wear issue
7:25 PSA AK-74 Bolt wear issue / firing pin breaking
9:45 PSA AK-74 Cons / what isn't great about it
11:50 PSA AK-74 Rifle review
12:59 Zenitco Leader handguard for AK systems
15:20 Safety overview
17:00 final thoughts on PSA AK-74
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