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Offset Dot VS Top Mount Dot VS Magnifier. GunThots Mini EP001

4 Views· 10/28/22
1 Subscribers
In Comedy

WELCOME TO GunThots Mini!
This is a new series we are gonna be doing whenever we have dead time between our main episodes. It's a chance for us to answer some of the questions that you ask us often, or explore topics that we want to make a video about but don't think it should be a full episode. The good news is that means more content for you guys!

In this episode we dig into some optics setups (top mount red dot, offset red dot, and magnifier) since you all see us run these setups and ask us what we think about them. We also give you some valuable home defense training.

Don't worry, we will be back to the regularly scheduled programming soon with our next full episode.

As always you can find us on social media here:

Whispered - Cushy
2099 - Wave Saver
Zombies From Outer Space - Wave Saver
Forever Always - Gus
2020 Vision - Othello Beats

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