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Beretta 92 Review and GIVEAWAY
Not even a broken rifle that had to go back to its manufacturer can stop us from giving you the GunThots content that you crave (it's got electrolytes)!
In this video we examine if the cheapest gun we could find (excluding random .22 revolvers and stuff) is a viable option to DEFEND YOUR LIFEEEE. That gun happens to be a surplus Beretta Mod 92s that we at GunThots have come to fondly refer to as "Shitty Beretta," and/or "The Regretta."
Better yet! YOU can WIN this very gun!
All you have to do is send the funniest picture to us on Instagram by July 31st, 2020, at 11:59PM CT.
(Please send it in a way that it stays in the chat. If it disappears after we look at it then we aren't gonna pick you because how are we gonna compare how funny it is to other submissions)
DM us your photo.
Don't send us stolen memes.
Memes you made are good to go, we like that.
We will pick our favorite photo and get into contact with you to send this bad boy to your FFL of choice!
Pretty sweet deal, we know. We don't honestly even care if you follow us or subscribe or whatever, but you definitely can if you want to.
Anyway, we will be back to your regularly scheduled content of breaking guns and then complaining about it soon.
- The GunThots
Performer: Bradley Chapman
Song: Ave Maria, D. 839
Composer: Franz Schubert
Licence: The song is permitted for commercial use under license "Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0)"